386 汉考克街 • 昆西,马萨诸塞州 02171
2023 年日期
6 月 24 日 • 其他日期即将公布!
Parishioners at the former Star of the Sea Parish in Squantum had a long tradition of "Chowder and Stations" during the Fridays of Lent. When the parish closed in 2004, Star of the Sea parishioners along with Sacred Heart parishioners wished the tradition to continue, so they jointly worked on preserving and augmenting "Chowder and Stations." The program continues strong to this very day. After a few Lenten seasons, it was noticed that folks liked to chat after dinner, and that many constantly were late for the Stations of the Cross. An idea sprung forth to hold a dinner just for the sake of doing it, allowing time for attendees to chat. The first planned event was a spaghetti dinner, which served parishioners in the dining and community rooms of the convent. The rest as they say, is history.
为了管理持续的晚餐计划,音乐部的几名成年成员会面并成立了月度晚餐委员会。该小组与几名敬业的志愿者一起,为其所有预定的活动计划、采购、烹饪和清理。2009 年,该委员会筹集了 6,000 多美元,用于举办特别的 Choristers Guild 地区儿童合唱节,该活动聚集了来自马萨诸塞州、罗德岛州和宾夕法尼亚州的 140 名儿童。委员会最近的努力筹集了资金,这些资金有助于为我们的厨房购买用品、电器和其他设备。
好吧,不是每个月都举行,但我们每月的晚餐委员会在过去几年中为我们的教区策划并执行了许多社交聚会,晚餐包括:户外野餐、烤猪大餐、海滩野餐、意大利面晚餐、特殊季节的节日晚餐、国际晚餐和百乐餐。出席人数通常为 60 到 100 多人,既有年轻人也有老年人,既有教区居民也有朋友。由于食品和供应成本增加,我们认为有必要提高价格。但是,晚餐仍然很划算,每人 12 美元,每个有 12 岁及以下儿童的家庭 25 美元,包括从汤/开胃菜到甜点和咖啡的一切。晚餐从下午 5:30 在北昆西圣心教堂的自助餐厅开始。