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The Holy See (The Vatican)
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Lay Formation Programs through St. John's Seminary
Disciples in Mission
Archdiocesan Young Adult Ministry
Cardinal Sean's Blog
Boston Catholic Television
US Conference of Catholic Bishops
Mass Times at any church in the United States
Knights of Columbus
Catholic Relief Services
Catholic Book Publishing, our publisher of The Roman Missal
2020 Liturgical Calendar for dioceses of the United States
Liturgy of the Hours Apostolate
The Liturgical Press
Liturgy Training Publications
Online Study Bible
Pauline Books & Media
Universalis, online Liturgy of the Hours
管风琴音栓百科全书GIA Publications, Inc. 出版 Gather,第 3 版全国牧民音乐家协会俄勒冈天主教出版社唱诗班协会(一个国际性的教堂儿童合唱团组织)Hope Publishing Company