386 Hancock Street • Quincy, MA 02171
Everyone is invited to pray anytime for an increase of vocations to the diocesan priesthood and to the religious life. Feel free to use the prayers below, or make your own.
My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord, my spirit rejoices in God my Savior for he has looked with favor on his lowly servant. From this day all generations will call me blessed: the Almighty has done great things for me, and holy is his Name. He has mercy on those who fear him in every generation. He has shown the strength of his arm, he has scattered the proud in their conceit. He has cast down the mighty from their thrones, and has lifted up the lowly. He has filled the hungry with good things, and the rich he has sent away empty. He has come to the help of his servant Israel for he remembered his promise of mercy, the promise he made to our fathers, to Abraham and his children forever.
O God, who enlightens the minds and inflames the hearts of the faithful by the Holy Spirit, grant that through the same Spirit, I may know my true vocation in life and have the grace to follow it faithfully. I make this prayer in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Eternal God, may this be the day when I have the opportunity to encourage a religious vocation. Help me to conduct myself in a Christian manner that I might give proper example, particularly to young people. May the sincerity of my prayer and concern for vocations result in an increase of laborers for Jesus Christ. Through the inspiration of your Holy Spirit may our priests, deacons, sisters and brothers grow in their vocations of service to your Church. Amen.
Ever-loving God, help us to respond generously to the inspirations of your Spirit. Give to your Church for the world today true disciples who will serve as priests, deacons, sisters and brothers. In and through their vocations, may they bring Good News to the poor, proclaim liberty to captives, and bring sight to the blind. We trust in your love and mercy for we make this prayer in the name of your Son, Jesus. Amen.
Lord Jesus, Eternal Priest, You chose Your apostles and You sent them to preach the Good News of Salvation. Give to Your Church throughout the world more apostles who will serve as priests, brothers, sisters and deacons. Make the seed of a vocation grow to its fullness in the hearts of seminarians and novices. Give them the grace of perseverance in spite of hardships and sacrifices. Reveal to their parents the beauty of the gifts of their own sons and daughters. Grant them to overcome opposing interests and attractions. Bestow on all Catholic people throughout the world a deep love for Your priesthood and for the religious life. May Your Kingdom come! Amen.
God of Life and of Love, you share these gifts with me in powerful ways through my family and friends. Help me to find ways to share the gifts of your life and love in service to others as a minister of the Church. Help me to discern how I can best respond to this challenge and give me the courage to do your will. I ask this in union with the whole Church and in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Bwana Yesu, tunawaombea wanaume na wanawake ambao watajitoa kwa hiari kwako na kwa watu wako kama dada, kaka, mashemasi na makuhani. Roho wako wa ukweli na ajaze akili zao imani, maono yao na tumaini na mioyo yao na upendo, sasa na hata milele. Amina. Mchungaji Anthony M. Pilla, Askofu wa Cleveland
Almighty God, your Son Jesus told us to pray for vocations since the harvest is great and the laborers are few. Help all of us who center our Catholic lives in Word and Sacrament to be active promoters of vocations to the priesthood and religious life. The ministry of identifying and nurturing vocations belongs to each member of each family in our parish families. May we accept this mission from Jesus with the determination that comes from faith. We pray through Christ our Lord. Amen.
You came from among us to be, for us, one who serves. We thank you for ministering Christ to us and helping us minister Christ to each other. We are grateful for the many gifts you bring to our community: for drawing us together in worship, for visiting us in our homes, for comforting us in sickness, for showing us compassion, for blessing our marriage, for baptizing our children, for confirming us in our calling, for supporting us in bereavement, for helping us to grow in faith, for encouraging us to take the initiative, for helping the whole community realize God’s presence among us. For our part, we pray that we may always be attentive to your needs and never take you for granted. You, like us, need friendship and love, welcome and a sense of belonging, kind words and acts of thoughtfulness. We pray, also, for the priests who have wounded priesthood. May we be willing to forgive and may they be open to healing. et us support one another during times of crisis. God our Father, we ask you to bless our priests and confirm them in their calling. Give them the gifts they need to respond with generosity and a joyful heart. We offer this prayer for our priest, who is our brother and friend, Amen.
Dear Jesus, thank you for giving your life for us. Please help more young people to follow your example by giving their lives in service as priests and religious. If You are calling someone in our family to the priesthood or the religious life, please help them to say, “yes.: Amen. Say 3 Hail Marys --Archdiocese of Boston Vocation Office 617-746-5949 vocationsboston.org
Ee Moyo Mtakatifu sana wa Yesu, chemchemi ya kila baraka, ninakuabudu, nakupenda, na kwa huzuni hai kwa dhambi zangu, nakutolea moyo wangu huu mnyonge. Nifanye niwe mnyenyekevu, mvumilivu, msafi na mtiifu kabisa kwa mapenzi Yako. Unijalie Yesu mwema ili niishi ndani yako na kwa ajili yako. Unilinde katikati ya hatari; kunifariji katika dhiki zangu; nipe afya ya mwili, usaidizi katika mahitaji yangu ya muda, baraka zako juu ya yote ninayofanya, na neema ya kifo kitakatifu. Ahadi za Bwana Wetu kwa Mtakatifu Margaret Mary kwa ajili ya roho zilizotolewa kwa Moyo Wake Mtakatifu 1. Nitawapa neema zote zinazohitajika katika hali yao ya maisha. 2. Nitaweka amani katika nyumba zao. 3. Nitawafariji katika dhiki zao zote. 4. Nitakuwa kimbilio lao salama wakati wa uhai, na zaidi ya yote katika kifo. 5. Nitawapa baraka nyingi juu ya shughuli zao zote. 6. Wenye dhambi watapata katika Moyo Wangu chanzo na bahari isiyo na kikomo ya rehema. 7. Nafsi zenye hasira zitachangamka. 8. Nafsi zenye bidii zitapanda upesi hadi ukamilifu wa juu. 9. Nitabariki kila mahali ambapo picha ya Moyo Wangu ataweka na kuheshimu. 10. Nitawapa makuhani karama ya kugusa mioyo migumu zaidi 11. Wale watakaoendeleza ibada hii majina yao yataandikwa katika Moyo Wangu, kamwe yasifutwe. 12. Ninakuahidi kwa rehema nyingi za Moyo Wangu kwamba upendo Wangu mkuu utawapa wale wote wanaowasiliana katika Ijumaa ya Kwanza katika miezi tisa mfululizo neema ya toba ya mwisho; hawatakufa katika fedheha yangu, wala bila kupokea Sakramenti zao; Moyo Wangu wa Kiungu utakuwa kimbilio lao salama katika wakati huu wa mwisho.
Mungu Mwenyezi na wa milele, kwa upendo wako usio na kikomo unatoa wahudumu kwa ajili ya Kanisa lako. Tunawaombea wale unaowaita kutumikia Kanisa la Boston kama makasisi. Wahimize jibu la ukarimu. Wape ujasiri na maono ya kuwatumikia watu wako. Maisha na huduma zao ziwaite watu wako kuitikia uwepo wa Roho wako kati yetu ili, kwa uaminifu kwa Injili na tumaini la Yesu Kristo, tuweze: kuwatangazia maskini habari njema, kuwatangazia wafungwa uhuru wao, kuwaweka huru wafungwa, na kuufanya upya uso wa dunia.
Ee Mungu, Baba wa Rehema zote, Mpaji wa Mavuno mengi, tuma neema zako juu ya wale uliowaita ili kukusanya matunda ya kazi yako; kuwahifadhi na kuwaimarisha katika utumishi wao wa maisha yote kwako. Fungua mioyo ya watoto Wako ili wapate kutambua Mapenzi Yako Matakatifu; vuvia ndani yao upendo na hamu ya kujitoa ili kuwatumikia wengine katika jina la Mwanao, Yesu Kristo. Wafundishe waaminifu wako wote kufuata njia zao katika maisha zinazoongozwa na Neno Lako la Kimungu na Ukweli. Kwa maombezi ya Bikira aliyebarikiwa Mariamu, malaika wote, na watakatifu, kwa unyenyekevu usikie sala zetu na ulipe mahitaji ya Kanisa lako, kwa njia ya Kristo, Bwana wetu. Amina.
Loving and Generous God, it is You who call us by name and ask us to follow You. Help us to grow in the love and service of our Church as we experience it today. Give us the energy and courage of Your Spirit to shape its future. Grant us faith-filled leaders who will embrace Christ’s mission of love and justice. Bless the Church of Boston by raising up dedicated and generous leaders from our families and friends who will serve Your people as sisters, priests, brothers, deacons and lay ministers. Inspire us to know You better and open our hearts to hear Your call. We ask this through our Lord. Amen.
Loving God, you call all who believe in you to grow perfect in love by following in the footsteps of Christ your Son. Call from among us more men and women who will serve you as religious. By their way of life, may they provide a convincing sign of your Kingdom for the Church and the whole world. We ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Gracious and loving God, help the men and women of our parish to hear the call to serve in the Archdiocese of Boston. Our needs are great and our people thirst for your presence. Open the hearts of many, raise up faithful servants of the Gospel, dedicated holy priests, sisters, brothers and deacons, who will spend themselves for your people and their needs. Bless those who are serving now with courage and perseverance. Grant that many will be inspired by their example and faith. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Akawaambia, “Njooni muone.” Wakaja wakaona mahali alipokuwa anakaa (Yohana 1:39). Mungu wa mataifa yote, tunashukuru sana kwa wamisionari na wavumbuzi wa kwanza wa Kikatoliki waliokuja Massachusetts. Wakiwa wageni katika nchi ngeni walileta ujuzi, talanta na mila zisizohesabika, lakini hazina yao kuu ilikuwa imani yao. Habari njema za Yesu Kristo, zilizofinyanga na kutengeneza maisha yao, ziendelee kufinyanga na kutengeneza maisha yetu leo. Bariki jimbo letu kuu kwa wanaume na wanawake ambao watafuata nyayo zao kutumikia Kanisa kama kaka, dada, mapadre na mashemasi wa kidini. Bwana Yesu Kristo, saidia kusikia mwito wako wa “Njoo Uone.”
Hail Mary, full of grace; all generations call you blessed. Hail Mother of God; when asked by the angel to bear the Son of the Most High, filled with faith, you responded: “Let it be done unto me.” Holy Mother of Jesus, at the wedding feast at Cana, you prompted your Son to perform his first sign. Be with us as we discern our life’s work and guide us in the way we are called to follow in the footsteps of your Son. Holy Mother of the Savior, at the foot of the cross you mourned the death of your only Son. Bless and embrace the loving parents of all priests, deacons, brothers and sisters. Holy Mother of the Good Shepherd, turn your motherly care to this nation. Intercede for us to the Lord of the harvest to send more laborers to the harvest in this land dedicated to your honor. Queen of Peace, Mirror of Justice, Health of the Sick, inspire vocations in our time. Let the word of your Son be made flesh anew in the lives of persons anxious to proclaim the good news of everlasting life. Amen.
Gracious God, You have called me to life and gifted me in many ways. Through Baptism You have sent me to continue the mission of Jesus by sharing my love with others. Strengthen me to respond to Your call each day. Help me to become all You desire of me. Inspire me to make a difference in others’ lives. Lead me to choose the way of life You have planned for me. Open the hearts of all to listen to Your call. Fill all with Your Holy Spirit that we may have listening hearts and the courage to respond to You. Enkindle in my heart and the hearts of others the desire to make the world a better place by serving as a lay minister, sister, priest, brother or deacon. Amen.
Father, we’re your people, the work of your hands, so precious are we in your sight that you sent your Son, Jesus. Jesus calls us to heal the broken-hearted, to dry the tears of those who mourn, to give hope to those who despair, and to rejoice in your steadfast love. We, the baptized, realize our call to serve. Help us to know how. Call forth from among us priests, sisters, brothers and lay ministers. With our hearts you continue to love your people. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever. Amen.
Mungu anayempenda, Mwana wako, Yesu, ametuonyesha kwamba moyo ulio wazi hupata njia. Nisaidie kutafuta njia yangu katika ulimwengu huu. Weka moyo wangu wazi kufuata njia ya Yesu ya kuwatumikia wengine kwa upendo. Nipe ujasiri wa kukubali mwongozo unaonipa kupitia familia yangu, marafiki zangu, na jumuiya yangu ya parokia. Kupitia Roho Mtakatifu, unaniita kwa njia fulani ya maisha. Ikiwa ni njia ya kuhani, dada, kaka au shemasi, basi nisaidie kuitembea katika huduma ya furaha kwa watu wako. Kwa wewe, Mungu wangu, najua ninaweza kupata njia yangu. Amina.
O God, Who wish all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of Your truth: send, we beg You, laborers into Your harvest, and grant them grace to speak Your word with all boldness; so that Your word may spread and be glorified, and all nations may know You, the only God, and Him Whom You have sent, Jesus Christ Your Son, Our Lord, Who lives and reigns world without end. Amen.
Loving God, Is it I, Lord? Are you calling me to a vocation of ministry in the Church as priest, sister, brother or deacon? Or if I am already living out a life’s vocation, are you asking me to help call others to the ministry of leadership in the Church? We do need men and women to help lead us as Church, Lord. We are your people of the oceanside, hills and valleys, the Archdiocese of Boston. Speak to us Lord. Open the minds and hearts of many men and women to live your Word and build your Kingdom. Speak to me Lord. Plant your Word within me so that whatever you call me to be or do I may say, “Yes, Here I Am Lord.” Lord here I am! What would you like me to do with my life? Teach me to do your will, Lord. And let your Holy Spirit guide me!
Ee Baba, unatamani sisi sote tuwe na furaha. Koroga neema ya wito wa kidini katika mioyo ya wanaume na wanawake wengi. Uwajalie utayari na ukarimu wa kujitolea wao wenyewe, maisha yao, wakati wao na talanta zao kwa huduma ya Yesu Kristo, Mwanao, Bwana na Mwokozi wetu, na kwa Kanisa Lake Takatifu. Na wanaume na wanawake zaidi wajitokeze kama makasisi, mashemasi, kaka na dada kuleta kweli za imani yetu ya Kikatoliki kwa wengine wote ili hivi karibuni wao, pia, wakujue Wewe vyema na kukupenda Wewe zaidi… na kukutumikia Wewe, wawe na furaha ya kweli. Amina.
Baba unamwita kila mmoja wetu kwa jina na kutuomba tukufuate. Libariki kanisa lako kwa kuinua viongozi waliojitolea na wakarimu kutoka kwa familia na marafiki zetu ambao watatumikia watu wako kama dada, makuhani, kaka, mashemasi, na wahudumu walei. Tutie moyo tunapokua kukujua, na ufungue mioyo yetu ili kusikia wito wako. Tunaomba haya katika jina la Yesu Amina.
Creator God, Life is your gift to me. Through Baptism you invite me to share the gift of my life in service to others. Be with me as I choose each day to show Your presence in our world. Give me the courage and generosity to respond to Your love, to Your call. I pray especially for those who serve you as priests, brothers, sisters, deacons and lay ministers. Open the minds and hearts of many other men and women that they may accept Your challenge to build the Kingdom. I ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Loving God, you have made me in Your image and likeness, and for this I shall praise You forever. Through baptism You invite me to serve, as Your son Jesus served. I offer You this day all that I have and all that I am in union with His saving cross. Father, in the power of the Spirit, You send us forth to build up Your kingdom. I pray especially for those whom You are calling to serve the Church as priests, deacons, sisters and brothers. Help them to hear and answer Your call to discipleship. The harvest is plenty, but laborers are few. Please provide for us men and women who will help to gather in a great harvest of souls. I make this prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen.
O loving and gracious God, Father of all, you bless your people in every time and season and provide for their needs through your providential care. Your Church is continually in need of priests, sisters and brothers to offer themselves in the service of the gospel by lives of dedicated love. Open the hearts of your sons and daughters to listen to your call in their lives. Give them the gift of understanding to discern your invitation to serve you and your Church. Give them the gift of courage to follow your call. May they have the spirit of young Samuel, who found fulfillment in his life when he said to you, “Speak Lord, for your servant is listening.” We ask this through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Redeemer. Amen.
Loving God, You speak to us and nourish us through the life of this church community. In the name of Jesus, we ask you to send your Spirit to us so that men and women among us, young and old, will respond to your call to service and leadership in the Church. We pray especially, in our day, for those who hear your invitation to be a priest, sister, or brother. May those who are opening their hearts and minds to your call be encouraged and strengthened through our enthusiasm in your service. Amen.
Father in heaven, you sent us your only Son to redeem us and to build your kingdom on earth. Please give us the wisdom and strength we need to follow His call. Grant to the faithful a spirit of generosity, that Church vocations may flourish. Bless our priests with holiness and courage, that they may lead your people to Christ. Help all sisters and brothers to fulfill their sacred promises, and so be effective signs of your kingdom. Lord, invite more men and women to your service. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Loving God, the provider of all our needs, we, your faithful people, ask that you bless our parish, our collaborative, and our archdiocese with an increase of men and women for priestly and committed ministry. Provide from among us those who will lead and work with us in priestly and consecrated service. As you call, so may you also provide the context for listening so that they may respond with generosity and joy. Form our hearts so that we may be a people given to Gospel living and generous for Christian service. Help us all to discern and pursue our vocation in life with strength and courage, making of us a priestly people. We ask this through Jesus Christ, Your Son, the priest and servant of our hearts. Amen.
Loving God, to be your prophet is my desire, but too often I am more concerned about the bottom line. I want to bring your message to the world as so many before me have done. My heart leads me to you, but I’m not always sure how to respond. Let me know what it is you are calling me to do and the life you are asking me to live. Give me the strength to share with others who are in need of the blessings with which you have enriched my life. Thank you, God, for hearing my prayer. Amen.
Good and gracious God, you have called us through Baptism to discipleship with your Son, Jesus Christ, and have sent us to bring the Good News of salvation to all peoples. We pray you to grant us more priests and religious to build up your Church here within the Archdiocese of Boston. Inspire our young men and women by the example of Blessed Junipero Serra to give themselves totally to the work of Christ and His Church. We ask this in the name of Jesus the Lord. Amen.
Asante, Bwana, kwa zawadi nyingi kubwa na za ajabu unazotoa kwa familia yetu. Tusaidie kuishi kila siku kwa furaha na unyenyekevu. Tuendelee kujitolea kabisa kukuhudumia. Tufundishe kutambua njia nyingi unazofanya Roho wako ajulikane. Kisha tusaidie kila mmoja wetu kukubali zawadi yako - neema ya kujibu wito wako wa kuunda, kuimarisha na kupanua Mwili wa Kristo. Tunaomba haya kwa njia ya Kristo, Bwana wetu. Amina.
Baba, sikia maombi ya watu wako, na uzilete kwenye ukomavu mbegu ulizopanda katika shamba la Kanisa lako. Watu wako wengi na wachague kukutumikia kwa kujitoa kwa ajili ya utumishi wa ndugu na dada zao. Inueni watumishi wanaostahili kwa ajili ya madhabahu zenu na watumishi wa Injili wenye bidii lakini wapole. Na wale wanaofuata nyayo za Kristo Mwana wako wakue, na kutoa kwa njia yao ya maisha ishara yenye kusadikisha ya ufalme wako kwa Kanisa na ulimwengu mzima. Wahudumu wote wa Kanisa lako na waongezeke kwa wingi, na kudumu katika maombi, wafanye huduma yao kwa upole na kujali wengine. Baba, uwalinde wote waaminifu kwa wito wa Injili, ili ulimwengu uone ndani yao sura hai ya Mwana wako Yesu Kristo, aliye Bwana milele na milele. Amina.
Lord Jesus, we pray to you for the Catholic priesthood. Give us more priests, but most especially we ask you to give us holy priests, messengers of a truth that is all-encompassing and eternal, holy priests who know how to offer this truth to the people of their own time and place, holy men for today, priests firmly rooted in the tradition, yet imbued with the spirit of this age. They have undertaken a mission in your name, Lord. May the reflection of your power in them always make it clear that they are your witnesses. Grant that they may conform their lives to the paschal mystery that they celebrate each day in the Eucharist. May they sense in this mystery, the anxious hunger of the world and of their own brothers and sisters for salvation. May they know, despite this hunger, how to respect the spiritual freedom of others; for it is your word which has given the world a taste for this freedom. May they understand and speak the language of their own time. And may they be careful never to compromise, with opinions that come and go, the imperishable newness of your Gospel. May they always keep through the dark wintry night of the soul an obstinate hope for the springtime to come. And when they meet those who persecute you, may they always remember the road to Damascus and the hidden ways of your providence.
Lord Jesus Christ, You are the Savior of the world. Please manifest in Your Church the Spirit whom You also abundantly bestowed on Your apostles. Call very many to Your priesthood and Your religious life. May zeal for Your glory and for the salvation of the world inflame those You have chosen. May they be saints in Your likeness. May Your Holy Spirit strengthen them. May they be priests and religious according to Your own heart! Amen.
O Lord, help me know your will for me. Let your light shine in the depths of my heart that I may know what you want me to do with my life. Help me believe that you have a special plan for me. Lord, I know I pass through this life only once; help me decide how you want me to make a difference. Like our Blessed Mother, give me the wisdom to hear your voice and the courage to answer your call. Above all, give me peace of mind and heart. I offer this prayer in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
God our Father, you will all men and women to be saved and come to the knowledge of your Truth. Send workers into your great harvest that the Gospel may be preached to every creature and your people, gathered together by the word of life and strengthened by the power of the sacraments, may advance in the way of salvation and love. I ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
Lord Jesus, we ask you to send more servants to your people. Choose from our parishes, from our homes, from our schools and colleges, an abundant harvest of apostles for your Kingdom: priests, sisters, brothers, deacons and lay ministers. We pray that those you call may never lose awareness of the dignity and need of their vocation. O Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church, teach to all those the Master calls to say a joyful “yes” as you did at the Annunciation Amen.
Gracious God, thank you for calling us at Baptism to be your people. In response to your call we again say, “Yes.” Keep us faithful to your mission and our vocation. Bless with a renewed spirit of zeal and enthusiasm, all who dedicate their lives in service to your people. Inspire more women and men of faith and compassion to serve as lay ministers and deacons sisters, brothers and priests. Fill them with your Spirit of Wisdom to proclaim the Good News and to witness your presence among us.
Ee Mungu, umetuomba tuombe miito; ili kuwe na vijana wa kiume na wa kike walio tayari kutoa maisha yao kwa ajili ya nafsi zao. Usikie maombi yetu na maombi ya Kanisa lako na ututumie makuhani wema na watakatifu na wa kidini. Tunakutolea leo, yote tutakayofikiri, kufanya au kusema kwa nia hii, kwa njia ya Kristo, Bwana wetu. Amina.
O God, You call all in Your Church to live a holy life like a wise harvest master, clearly call laborers to reap the harvest of souls. May some become holy priests, formed by the Gospel; may some find their way to religious communities filled with love for You. Inspire them by Your Holy Spirit to leave their way of life and share the work of Your Son Who lives forever and ever. Amen.
Creator of the Universe, God of the Nations, Your people are longing to hear your word. Send laborers into your harvest - women and men on fire with your love: Dedicated single people - who incarnate your presence in their daily lives, whose availability enables them to respond to a diversity of needs. Married couples - whose relationships serve as a sign of your fidelity to your people, whose love overflows to their children and neighbors. Ordained Ministers - who gather the prayers and longing of your people, who serve as a channel of your presence through the sacraments. Religious sisters, brothers, and priests - whose life in community foreshadows our eternal unity in Christ, whose service brings your life to the world. May each of us respond with courage and generosity to our particular vocations, and may the Church recognize the Spirit's call to men and women of good will, trusting in your abundance to answer all our needs. Amen.
God, the source of creation and love, You invite each of us to serve you through the life which is your gift. May your grace encourage men and women to heights of holiness through service to the Church as priests, sisters, brothers, and lay ministers. Make me an instrument to encourage others to give of themselves and challenge me to do the same. Amen.
Lord, through Baptism, you invite me to share the gift of my life in service to others. Be with me as I choose each day to show your presence in our world. Give me the courage and generosity to respond to your love, to your call. I pray especially for those who serve you as priests, brothers, sisters and deacons. Keep them close to you. Open the minds and hearts of many other men and women to be witnesses to your gospel.
Bwana Yesu, Mwana wa Baba wa Milele na Maria Msafi, uwape vijana wetu ukarimu unaohitajika ili kufuata wito wako na ujasiri unaohitajika kushinda vikwazo vyote kwa wito wao. Wape wazazi imani hiyo, upendo na roho ya dhabihu ambayo itawatia moyo kutoa watoto wao kwa huduma ya Mungu na kufurahi wakati wowote mmoja wa watoto wao anapoitwa kwenye ukuhani au maisha ya kitawa. Mfano Wako na ule wa Mama Yako Mbarikiwa na Mtakatifu Joseph utie moyo vijana na wazazi na kuruhusu neema Yako iwadumishe. Amina.
God, our Father, in Baptism You called us by name, making us members of Your people, the Church. We praise You for Your goodness, we thank You for Your gifts. We ask You to strengthen us to live in love and service to others after the example of Your Son, Jesus. Father, look upon Your Church with love and bless Your people with generous single men and women, with loving husbands and wives, with understanding parents, with trusting children with dedicated priests, sisters, deacons and brothers. Help us to see our vocations as a journey toward You. You have called us, not to set us apart, but to bring us together with others who need our love. Make us faithful signs of Your presence in their midst. We ask You through Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Ee Mungu, Baba yetu, umetuita katika Ubatizo ili tumfuate Mwanao kwa njia ya maisha ya huduma ya upendo kwako na sisi kwa sisi. Tupe msaada wako tunapotafuta kuishi wito wetu maishani. Tunawaombea hasa wale ambao wameitikia wito wako kama mapadre, kaka, dada, mashemasi na wahudumu walei. Waweke waaminifu katika kumfuata Mwana wako na kujitolea katika kuwatumikia ndugu na dada zao. Jalia kwamba wanaume na wanawake wengi zaidi wawe wazi kwa changamoto ya kuweka maisha yao wakfu katika huduma ya kujenga Ufalme wako. Tunaomba haya kwa njia ya Kristo, Bwana wetu. Amina.
Mungu, Muumba wetu, Uhai ni zawadi yako kwangu. Kupitia Ubatizo, Unanialika kushiriki zawadi ya maisha yangu katika huduma kwa wengine. Ninamuuliza Bwana, “Nani atakuwa kuhani Wako, shemasi, kaka, dada, mmishenari, mhudumu mlei? Je, ni mimi?” Nipe ujasiri na ukarimu wa kuitikia upendo Wako, wito Wako. Wape wale uliowaita kwa walioolewa na hali ya pekee neema ambazo maisha yao yanahitaji. Ninawaombea hasa wale wanaokutumikia kama watu wa dini. Waweke karibu na Wewe. Haya tunaomba kwa njia ya Kristo Bwana wetu. Amina.
Heavenly Father, You so loved the world that You sent Your only Son, Jesus, to bring eternal life to those who believe in Him. I join Him in His prayer for laborers in Your harvest. May Your Holy Spirit inspire and strengthen generous men and women to continue His mission in the world. May this same Spirit make known to me Your will in my regard. Where You lead, I will follow. Let it be done to me according to Your word. I make this prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Ee Mungu, huko nyuma uliwaita wanaume na wanawake wajitolee maisha yao kwa njia ya ukuhani na maisha ya kitawa. Leo chochea neema ya wito wa kidini katika mioyo ya wengi ndani ya jumuiya yetu ya parokia. Wape utayari na ukarimu wa kuweka maisha yao kikamilifu mikononi mwako kama makuhani, kaka na dada. Nisaidie kuwaunga mkono kwa uaminifu wangu mwenyewe kwa wito wako wa utakatifu kupitia maombi na huduma ya Kikristo. Ikiwa unatamani kwamba mmoja wa familia yangu au marafiki akufuate kwa njia hii, nipe hekima na ufahamu wa kumuunga mkono na kumtia moyo mtu huyo kusikiliza sauti yako na kukufuata bila kuchelewa.
Loving God, You speak to us and nourish us through the life of this church community. In the name of Jesus, we ask you to send your Spirit to us so that men and women among us, young and old, will respond to your call to service and leadership in the Church. We pray especially, in our day, for those who hear your invitation to be a priest, sister, or brother. May those who are opening their hearts and minds to your call be encouraged and strengthened through our enthusiasm in your service. Amen.
Lord, I know you love me and have great plans for me. But sometimes I am overwhelmed by the thought of my future. Show me how to walk forward one day at a time. May I take heart while I search openly for what it is you want me to do with my life. Inspire in me wisdom and understanding to see your vision for my life and respond with openness to whatever you call me to be. Show me your way Lord!
Gracious God, You are the gentle presence, the peaceful light that fills our whole world. We believe that you care for all your creatures with wisdom and love. Take care of us, your Church, this day. Give to us all grace and courage to live out our baptism as faithful disciples of your son, Jesus Christ. Give us good pastors who will call us to love and forgiveness and lead us in worship in the community of the Spirit. Bring forth from among us other ministers whose many-splendored gifts will strengthen our community. Raise up people in religious life who by their unusual witness to the Gospel will call us to the love of God and neighbor. You have enfolded the smallness of our humanity in your divinity. Fill us all with your Holy Spirit. Amen.
Jesus, High Priest and Redeemer forever, we beg you to call young men and women to your service as priests and religious. May they be inspired by the lives of dedicated priests, brothers and sisters. Give to parents the grace of generosity and trust toward you and their child so that their sons and daughters may be helped to choose their vocation in life with wisdom and freedom. O God, you have called us to salvation and have sent your Son to establish the Church for this purpose and you have provided the sacred ministers. The harvest is ever ready but the laborers are scarce. Inspire our youth to follow Jesus by serving Your people. Amen
Gracious and loving God you have blessed us with the privilege of becoming parents. We ask that you provide us with all that we need in accepting this awesome responsibility. We pray that we will be open to your Spirit who is our source of strength as we witness to our children your love for each of them and your desire for them to be happy and to live a full life. We ask your help so we may guide and encourage our children to believe that they each have a special calling and to use their gifts and talents for others. We pray, Heavenly Father, that our children will discover and respond enthusiastically to your desire for them, whether it be to the vocation of single, married, ordained or consecrated life. We offer this prayer in the name of Jesus through the grace of the Holy Spirit. Amen.