386 Hancock Street • Quincy, MA 02171
Dear Parishioners,
This past June I completed eight years as your pastor. As I have said many times, I am grateful for your continued prayers and support. Even amid certain challenges that have confronted the church, our journey as a collaborative and then as a single parish has been a positive experience. As you know, I have done my best to maintain a pastoral schedule that offers parishioners a variety of Mass times, devotional services and educational classes.
This past year, it has become clear that our current Mass schedule needs to be adjusted for the following reasons:
The shortage of priests is why I must now share with you the following changes to our current Mass schedule. We no longer have the priests to maintain ten weekend Masses for three worship sites that are less than two miles apart. It has become clear that we no longer have the luxury to offer three 4:00pm Masses on Saturday afternoon. With the approval of the Pastoral and Finance Councils, I am establishing the following changes in the Mass schedule which will begin the second weekend in January:
Starting January 6/7, 2023
The new Mass schedule is as follows:
Saint Mary Church - 4:00pm Saturday & 8:00am Sunday
Sacred Heart Church - 4:00pm Saturday, January–June, 10:00am & 6:00pm on Sunday
Saint Ann Church - 4:00pm Saturday, July - December, 9:00am & 11:00am on Sunday
By eliminating three weekend Masses, two full time priests with the assistance of a senior priest can maintain a weekend schedule that offers seven Masses at three worship sites. I realize change is not easy. However, I hope you can understand that with celebrating over 200 funerals per year along with other sacramental responsibilities, the current weekend Mass schedule is impossible to maintain. I hope that those who are affected by the change will prayerfully consider attending a different Mass. I hesitated to make this decision, but the reality is that I no longer have the pool of priests to provide for ten Masses on the weekend.
Please pray for your parish priests and pray for an increase in vocations to the priesthood so that the Lord can send more workers to His vineyard.
I am grateful for your continued support and prayers,
Fr. Lou