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386 Hancock Street • Quincy, MA 02171

2024 Parish Grand Annual Appeal

September 20, 2024

Dear Parishioners,

As we begin the Fall Season, I express my appreciation for your continued support of the parish and especially my ministry as your pastor. I am proud to say that our three church buildings are in excellent condition. During the last eleven years, working together, we have been able to accomplish a great deal.

On Christmas Eve, Pope Francis will open the Holy Door at Saint Peter Basilica and begin the Jubilee Year of Hope. The Holy Year is a special year of grace for the faithful to obtain a plenary indulgence for the remission of sins. Pope Francis also hopes that this Jubilee Year will foster a greater sense of global brotherhood and solidarity with the poor and the need to care for the environment. Throughout the Holy Year, the parish will offer courses on Sacred Scripture and the documents of the Second Vatican Council so that we can rediscover the beauty of our Catholic faith.

It is my yearly duty to provide you with an Annual Financial Report. I ask that you carefully review the enclosed report ending June 30, 2024. As you can see our major sources of income, the offertory and grand annual have been decreasing as our utility bills, insurances, maintenance improvements and staff compensation have increased. Thankfully, Bingo has been a great source of income, which offsets the deficit. I am truly grateful to the many volunteers who week after week commit their time to this major parish fundraiser.

As I do each Fall, I ask that you prayerfully consider a donation to the Grand Annual Collection. My hope is that we can increase the number of those who support this annual collection. Pledges may be paid as a single payment, two monthly payments or over a period of months. I truly appreciate any amount that you are able to contribute.

Your continued support of Divine Mercy Parish is a blessing to me, the priests and staff of the parish. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns. Once again, thank you and be assured that you and your loved ones remain in my prayers.

Yours in Christ,

Rev. Louis R. Palmieri, Pastor


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