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386 Hancock Street • Quincy, MA 02171

Wedding Date & Time

You must meet with a priest or deacon of the collaborative before you can schedule your wedding. Archdiocesan policy states that a one year notice is required to ensure enough time for preparation. The date and time of the wedding should be discussed with the priest or deacon at the initial meeting.

Weddings are scheduled on Saturday between 11:30 am and 2 pm (2 pm is ceremony only), or at 5:30 pm. Sunday weddings are scheduled between 2:00 and 3:30 pm. If you must have your wedding during the Lenten season, please bear in mind that there is a ban on flowers and decorations during Lent.

We ask that you please respect your guests and the parish staff by arriving early and being prepared to start on time. Your guests will make it a point to arrive before the liturgy begins. Please respect their efforts–the entire wedding party and immediate families should do likewise. Also with only three priests serving our collaborative, the staff has many other commitments during the day in addition to your wedding.

Documents Needed

1. Baptism and Confirmation certificates no more than 6 months old given for the purpose of marriage. This should be sent directly to the church of marriage from the parish that issues it.
2. A certificate indicating that you attended a marriage preparation program.
3. A letter of consent from a parent or guardian if you are under 21 years of age.
4. The Massachusetts Marriage License. This document is issued by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Call them soon to find out what documents you need in order to obtain a license. Do not wait until the last minute to get a license! You cannot get married in the church without this license. The license should be given to the person who will run your wedding rehearsal. The marriage license is good only for a specified period of time after it is issued.

Donations and Fees

The schedule of donations and fees at our parish is:
$300 Donation to the parish
$200 Organist fee
$200 Cantor fee
$100 Parish wedding coordinator
$25 (each) Altar server(s)

If you choose to have a substitute organist and/or cantor, you must still pay the staff musician(s), as ministering at sacramental celebrations makes up part of their financial income. Please write one check for all fees/donations, made payable to Divine Mercy Parish and delivered no later than one month prior to the wedding.

Additional instrumentalists are contracted and paid directly by the marrying couple. Our parish music director can provide contact information for flautists, trumpeters, violinists, etc.

Prior Marriage

If you have been involved in a prior marriage of any kind, it is imperative that you indicate this to the priest immediately.

Marriage Preparation Programs

One of the most important elements in your wedding plans will be your spiritual and psychological preparation. There are a number of available marriage preparation programs in the archdiocese. Please consult their website at Two online pre-Cana courses are available at: and

Sacrament of Reconciliation

In the week or two before your wedding day, you should make an appointment with a priest for the Sacrament of Reconciliation, or take advantage of the parish’s scheduled time for this sacrament.


Photographs and videos may be taken during the service as long as the proper decorum is observed and as long as the process is not allowed to become a distraction to the ceremony or congregation. The photographer must never interfere with the sacredness of the moment. Remember, the best photographer is one who is not noticed. 

Photographers are not permitted in the sanctuary during the ceremony. From our past experience, it’s best if photographers do not use the area in front of the first row of pews beyond the side altars. We often have found them obscuring the view of the family and friends invited to witness the exchange of vows. Photographers should not use the center aisle once the liturgy has begun. If close-up shots are desired, they may be restaged after the liturgy.

Once the wedding liturgy begins, flash pictures should be kept to a minimum.
Taking pictures is permitted after the wedding but we encourage the couple to take only a few so that they may proceed to the reception in order to greet their guests.


Video lights are not permitted as these pose a distraction to the assembly, and present seeing difficulties for those who lead the liturgy. Also, given to advances in today’s video technology, extra lighting is seldom necessary. Video cameras must be stationery, mounted on a stand or hand-held in a pew. Videographers should not roam through the church once the liturgy has begun. Videos may be taken from the choir loft.

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