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386 Hancock Street • Quincy, MA 02171

"The Church exists to Evangelize." (National Directory for Catechesis, USCCB)


2024-2025 CLASS SCHEDULES: GRADES 1-5     Grades 6-7     Grades 8-9-10

Children Faith Formation

Summer 2024

Dear Parents and Guardians,


School is winding down and soon vacation mode will be activated! Family vacations are being made with the hopes that activities will be plentiful. We hope you take some time to rest, regroup and recharge, get into a high tides and summer vibes! Wishing everyone a safe and happy summer break.


Enclosed is the new registration form for Religious Education (24-25), if you could take a few minutes and register your students for next year’s classes before school ends. Also, please include the registration fee with the registration form. The 2024-25 calendar is almost set, and will be published on the parish web site, print outs will be at rear of the parish churches. I hope that with all the classes offered more families will have the opportunity to enroll their child for religious education classes. Listed are some changes:


Grade 6 changes: We will be adding a grade six class to Sunday mornings at Sacred Heart, from 8:45a-9:45a and we will continue to offer a grade 6 class on Wednesday evenings from 6p-7p at St Ann.


Grade 8 changes: Grade 8 Class will be attending on Sunday mornings in preparation of receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation in the spring (2025). After much discussion on when to implement this new process, Fr Lou believes that grade 8 should begin the Confirmation program this fall of 2024 and be confirmed in the spring of 2025.

This change has come due to the mandate sent to parishes throughout the Archdiocese of Boston regarding Confirmation. The parish had sent home a letter with students in the early spring to inform families of the change regarding confirmation age.


“The Archdiocese of Boston has changed the age of the reception of Confirmation to grade 8.”

Cardinal Sean O’Malley recently announced that the Archdiocese of Boston is changing its confirmation age from 10th grade to 8th grade, when students are about 13 to 14 years old. Cardinal O'Malley has been consulting church leaders and families about the possible change for years, with the goal of strengthening young people's ties to the church. 

The Cardinal stated "It is very heartening to know how much interest there is in increasing the participating of our young people in the Church," as this process has revealed," O'Malley wrote in a letter to pastors. "I believe the process itself also truly reflects the spirit of listening that Pope Francis has urged us to make a regular process of our life as an Archdiocese."


Changing “Sunday school or Religious Education” is no simple task. This will require parents to help build parish communities that not only teach the faith but also live it joyfully. Now as we develop a new religious program, that will introduce students to the person at the heart of our faith, who desires not only well-informed students but also lifelong disciples.

Tuition fees for Religious Education will remain the same as the last year.

$75.00 for 1 student

$125.00 for 2 students

$150.00 for 3 or more students.

Please consider volunteering to teach a small group of students. There is always a need for catechists, lessons and supplies will be provided. “The Good News: If you teach your children the ways of the Lord when they are young, they will keep their faith when they grow older.” Proverbs 22:6.   For parents that assist with teaching a class in religious education we offer a significant reduction for tuition. If you are considering teaching, please email me so I can schedule a time to meet with you to discuss the program.

  • Be sure to let us know which location your children in grades 1-6 will attend class Sacred Heart on Sunday or St Ann.
  • Grade 6 now has a choice of Wednesday evenings St Ann 6p-7p or Sunday morning Sacred heart 8:45a-9-45a. Please be sure to select the class your child will attend.
  • Grades 8, 9 and 10 will is the Confirmation program attending on alternating Sunday mornings at St Ann Church.

In His Name,


Denise Gleason

Religious Education

Divine Mercy Parish  

Adult Faith Formation

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