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386 Hancock Street • Quincy, MA 02171


The Gathering Rite is intended to bring us in from our individual lives and form us into one worshipping community, part of the One Body of the Lord.

Prelude Hymnal # Title Composer
Come and Journey
Household of Faith (Brent Lamb and John Rosasco)
How Beautiful (Twila Paris)
In This Very Room (Ron and Carol Harris)
Seek First the Kingdom
The Wedding Song (Paul Stookey)
Ave Maria (Franz Schubert)
889 Hail Mary, Gentle Woman (Carey Landry)
Ave Maria (J.S. Bach/Charles Gounod)
891 Ave Maria (Dan Kantor)
By Grace (Lorraine Hess)
Bridal Chorus from Lohengrin (Richard Wagner)
Canon in D (Johann Pachelbel
Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring (Johann Sebastian Bach)
Riguadon (Andre Campos)
Trumpet Tune in C Major (Henry Purcell)
Trumpet Voluntary in D Major (Jeremiah Clarke)


The Liturgy of the Word breaks open the Sacred Scriptures through proclamation and reflection. The Rite of Marriage is an element of this liturgy.

Responsorial Psalm
86 Blessed Are Those Who Love You (Marty Haugen)
Blessed Are We (Jeanne Cotter)
47 The Cry of the Poor (John Foley, SJ)
The Goodness of God
72/75 The Lord Is Kind and Merciful (Cotter) The Lord Is Kind and Merciful (Haugen)
691 On Eagle's Wings (J. Michael Joncas)
45 Taste and See (Marty Haugen)
617 We Praise You (Darryl Ducotte)
586 You Are All We Have (Francis Patrick O'Brien)
695 You Are Near (Dan Schutte)
Gospel Acclamation
Gregorian Chant
Celtic Alleluia (Finton O'Carroll)
Mass for a New World (2:13)
Mass of Remembrance (Marty Haugen)
Mass from Age to Age (3:22) (Chris de Silva)


The Liturgy of the Eucharist breaks open the Body of Christ through sacramental action. At this time, we do as Jesus commanded as we take, bless, break and share the bread and wine, consecrated into His Body and Blood.

If you wish a "soloist" song, the time during the Preparation of the Gifts is the only appropriate moment for such during Mass. Otherwise, a song sung by the entire assembly is appropriate.

Preparation of the Gifts
971 A Nuptial Blessing (Michael Joncas)
Beginning Today (Darryl Ducote)
By My Side (Thomas Porter)
904 Covenant Hymn (Rory Cooney)
702 Faith, Hope and Love (Francis Patrick O'Brien)
970 God In the Planning (John Bell)
In Love We Choose to Live (Jeanne Cotter)
969 Love Has Brought Us Here Together (HYFERDOL)
967 Love Is the Sunlight
704 My Song Will Be For You Forever
709 Not For Tongues of Angels (Michael Joncas)
751 The Servant Song (Richard Gillard)
We Will Serve the Lord
966 When Love Is Found (Brian Wren)
Where There Is Love
Wherever You Go (Gregory Norbet)
Eucharistic Prayer
- Holy Chant (Roman Missal)
- Acclamation Mass for a New World (2:58)
- Amen A Community Mass (Richard Proulx)
Mass of Creation (6:40) (Marty Haugen)
Mass of Christ the Savior (Dan Schutte)
Heritage Mass (Owen Alstott)
Breaking of the Bread
Lamb of God (New World) (4:49)
Lamb of God (Felix Goebel-Komala)
Lamb of God (Creation) (Marty Haugen)
Lamb of God (Holy Cross) (David Isle)
Lamb of God (Christ the Savior) (Dan Schutte)
Lamb of God (Heritage) (Owen Alstott)
Communion Songs
699 God Is Love
588 I Have Loved You (J. Michael Joncas)
932 One Bread, One Body (John Foley, SJ)
723 Shepherd of My Heart (Francis P. O'Brien)
950 Take and Eat (J. Michael Joncas)
930 Taste and See (James Moore)
834 We Are Many Parts (Marty Haugen)
938 We Come to Your Feast (J. Michael Joncas)
784 We Have Been Told (1:29)
968 Wherever You Go

Concluding Rite

The Concluding Rite is short and straight-forward. It consists of the final blessing over the entire assembly and the dismissal to go into the world to continue the work of the Lord.

Hornpipe from Water Music Suite (George F. Handel)
Psalm 19 - The Heavens Are Telling (Benedetto Marcello)
Rondeau from Symphonies de Fanfares (Jean Joseph Mouret)
Wedding March (Felix Mendelssohn)
Any of the processional music selections also may be used here.
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