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386 Hancock Street • Quincy, MA 02171


Introductory statement by the presider.

For the pope, all the bishops and the clergy everywhere, that they may lead us to deeper faith in God and a stronger love for others, we pray to the Lord...

For our president and all leaders of government, that they may be effective in achieving peace and eliminating poverty, we pray to the Lord...

For married couples, that they may continue to give, be able to forgive, and find happiness deepen with the passing of each day, we pray to the Lord...

For N. and N., now beginning their life together, that they may have divine assistance at every moment, the constant support of friends, the rich blessing of children, a warm love reaching out to others and good health until a ripe old age, we pray to the Lord...

For those who are sick, lonely, discouraged or oppressed, that they may be strengthened by God’s help and aided by their friends, we pray to the Lord...

For those who have died, especially the relatives and friends of N. and N. and of all present for this wedding, that they may enjoy perfect happiness and total fulfillment in eternal life, we pray to the Lord...

Concluding prayer by the presider


Introductory statement by the presider

For leaders of Church and state, for heads of institutions, for heads of homes and households, that they will lead us and guide us in the search for God and the good life, in the search for peace and joy, in the search for love among us, we pray to the Lord...

For all married people: for those who married yesterday, for the new couple N. and N., married today, for those who will marry tomorrow, that they may savor the joy of being together, warm love, and children, a long life, wine, and friends, and a new day, every day, we pray to the Lord...

For all young single people who look forward to a vocation full of life and full of love, we pray to the Lord...

For the lonely old and the lonely young, for the hungry rich and the hungry poor, for the sick in body, mind and spirit, for the weakness in all of us, we pray to the Lord...

For our relatives and friends who walk with us on life’s journey and for those who have gone before us to the other side of life. For the fulfillment of all their unfulfilled desires, we pray to the Lord...

Concluding prayer by the presider


Introductory statement by the presider

For our Church, to keep the promise of salvation, we pray to the Lord...

For our world, to keep the promise of peace, we pray to the Lord...

For our country, to keep the promise of freedom, we pray to the Lord...

For our parish, to keep the promise of discipleship, we pray to the Lord...

For our hearts, to keep the promise of loving, we pray to the Lord...

For our hands, to keep the promise of giving, we pray to the Lord...

For our lives, to keep the promise of growing, we pray to the Lord...

For this couple, to keep the promise of marriage, we pray to the Lord...

Concluding prayer by the presider


Introductory statement by the presider

For the holy church on this shining day, wedded forever to God’s wondrous love, we pray to the Lord...

For the people of the world, the children of Adam and Eve, the children of God, we pray to the Lord...

For the bride and groom, N. and N., whose love and fidelity open a doorway into the mystery of God’s love, we pray to the Lord...

For the renewed commitment of every married couple, we pray to the Lord...

For single men and single women and for their families, friends and colleagues, we pray to the Lord...

For those who cannot be here, but who join us in spirit and heartfelt affection, we pray to the Lord...

Concluding prayer by the presider

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