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386 Hancock Street • Quincy, MA 02171


Divine Mercy Parish, Quincy, MA


Welcome to Divine Mercy Parish!

We are a community merged in 2020 from the former parishes of Saint Mary, Sacred Heart and Saint Ann.

We serve the Quincy, MA communities of West Quincy, Wollaston, North Quincy, Squantum and Marina Bay.

We invite you to worship with us and to explore

our website!




Fridays in Lent

Friday Lenten Chowder & Stations continues

5pm Dinner

6pm Stations of the Cross

at Sacred Heart

Saturday March 22nd

Sacrament of Confirmation

10am at St. Mary

1pm at Sacred Heart

Saturday March 29th

April 5th, 12th

Lenten Scripture Course: Passion/Resurrection

Narratives in Sts. Luke & John

10-11:30am lower hall at Sacred Heart

Tuesday, April 2nd

Pilgrim Statue

of Our Lady of Fatima

9 am through 6 pm

Sacred Heart

Sunday March 23rd

Mass with Archbishop Richard G. Henning

10am in Sacred Heart followed by reception

View our mass times and special services

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See our religious education classes
View all of our upcoming events and services

Mass Times and Sacraments

Saturday Vigil:

St. Mary - 4:00pm

Sacred Heart - 4:00pm


St. Ann - 9:00am & 11:00am

St. Mary - 8:00am

Sacred Heart - 10:00am, & 6:00pm and

12:00 noon Kenyan Mass in Swahili

except 1st Sunday of the month

​Daily Mass:

9am Monday and Saturday at Sacred Heart

9am Tuesday and Thursday at St. Mary

9am Wednesday and Friday at St. Ann


Saturday: 3:00-3:30pm at St. Mary & Sacred Heart

and by appointment

Eucharistic Adoration:

Thursdays, 12:00pm to 3:00pm in Sacred Heart

Sacrament of the Sick:

2nd Saturday of the month following the 4pm Mass

Sacrament of Baptism:

Arrangements for Baptisms must be made by calling the parish office. (Do not send an email.)

Sacrament of Marriage:

Arrangements must be made by calling the parish office at least 1 year in advance for marriage preparation and the desired date. (Do not send an email.)

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