Our Collaborative Church Opening Procedures
We are overjoyed that we are able to resume the celebration of Mass in our parishes! We are very happy to welcome you back to your spiritual family home! The onslaught of COVID-19 has made a profound disruption in our lives, and also has led us to a “new normal” at least for the foreseeable future. Please note that Cardinal Seán’s dispensation from the obligation of Sunday Mass still is in effect, so it is perfectly fine to stay at home if you feel your health would be at risk by attending Mass in person at this time. For all who do plan on attending, please follow the procedures listed below, which are in place to keep us all safe.
- The regular Sunday Mass schedule in our three churches resumes this Saturday with the 4pm Mass
- Funerals will be celebrated beginning next Tuesday.
- Weekday Masses begin June 1st, and will be held in the main churches, not in our chapels at St. Ann and Sacred Heart.
- Although we may have up to 40% occupancy at Mass, social distancing reduces this number to around 100 people at each Mass. Staff/volunteers will be counting people at the 2 open doors, so we are following a “first come-first serve” policy.
- Keep social distancing of 6 feet, even outside before entering our churches.
- Enter only via the main door, or the side door by the elevator or handicap ramp. These will be the only two doors open.
- Inside the church, use only the center aisle. The side aisles are closed and will be used only for returning after receiving Holy Communion.
- Please refer to the signs placed around the foyer.
- Sit in the designated pews and areas designated by tape on the pew railings which are 6 feet apart. Immediate family members may sit together without social distancing from each other.
- Please leave immediately after Mass, keeping social distance, so that we have adequate time to clean/disinfect after each Mass. There are no communal gatherings or group conversations before or after Mass.
- Alcohol-based sanitizers are available throughout the church.
- Soap and water are available in the restrooms for hand cleaning if necessary.
- Windows and doors will be open to promote ventilation.
- Hymnals, missalettes and pamphlets have been removed from the pews. You may bring your own missal for your personal use.
- Printed bulletins are not available at this time. Please visit qcc14.org/bulletin to access our last 12 bulletins.
- All must wear masks (including priest/ministers distributing Communion)
- Exceptions:
- Children under 2
- Parents judge mask use for children 2-5
- People who claim exemption
- Priest/ministers in the sanctuary
- No congregational singing and no choirs
- No holding hands at the Our Father
- No sign of peace
- No collection – please use the basket at the door or in the aisle for your offertory donation. Thank you for your generosity!
- Wear your mask in the Communion procession.
- Keep social distance – follow markings on the floor.
- Receive ONLY IN THE HAND – the priest/minister will drop the host in your hand without touching. If you are accidentally touched, the priest/minister immediately will sanitize their hands before proceeding with distribution.
- Procedure: Receive in your hand, step aside, demask, consume the Eucharist, remask, and return via the side aisles – do not go back down the center aisle.
- If you are not receiving, please step in the center aisle and allow others in your pew to enter the Communion line.
The new procedures will take a while to become routine. We do hope that our liturgies will be celebrated as smoothly as possible. However, we do anticipate having some glitches, and ask for your understanding and patience during these times.
Thank you for your patience and support as we gather again to celebrate Mass through, with, and in Jesus, in the unity of the Holy Spirit to give honor and glory to God the Father as we worship in spirit and truth.