386 Hancock Street • Quincy, MA 02171
We do this through times of prayer, activities, games, crafts, videos, and fun! Our week ends with a musical presentation open to the entire parish, followed by a "make your own sundae" party!
A fun time at Children's Choir Fest!
When is it? August 5 through August 9, 2024 - 9am-3:30 pm Monday-Friday
Who can come? Children in grades 3 through 8 as of September 2024.
Where will Choir Fest be held? The entire program will be held on the worship site grounds at Sacred Heart, centered in the lower church hall, parking lot and playground.
What's the cost? $100.00 per child, $25 min./person due with registration and remainder paid by July 15th.
What is included? Registration fee includes (among other things): music; binder, pencils, pens, crayons, etc.; handouts, workbooks, craft materials; hot lunch each day; two snacks each day.
Enrollment is limited strictly to 30 participants, so get your registration in early!
Click here for our online registration form. Click here for the paper registration form.
$25 deposit/child due separately ASAP. Make checks payable to: Divine Mercy Parish.
Click here for the daily choir fest schedule. Click here for the daily choir fest menu.